Advice for Parents: Helping Your Child Succeed in School—and Life


TWO-PART WORKSHOP POWERPOINTS (presented here as videos)

We figure that a good starting place for many parents is a two-part workshop that features the multi-media presentations you'll find below. Each preesntation includes relevant research, facts, short video clips of students talking about our topics, and interactive exercises. The first presentation, Part 1, covers homework, managing stress, and self-control. Part 2 covers motivation and challenge, keeping at it, curiosity and resourcefulness, and self-confdence. We've tried to make the material as engaging as possible for parents.

Each workshop might last 90 minutes and be separated by 2 to 4 weeks. But this is not a formulaplease present these materials in ways that match your circumstances.

Workshops, we know, need a presenter. We don't have a prescription for who would make a suitable presenter, but the individual or team should be in "synch" with our messages and framework and have studied the Advice for Parents Handbook before taking on the assignment.

We've also created a handout to give to parents at the end of the first workshop, to reinforce what they are learning. It contains concrete tips for parents to practice with their children at home. Please encourage parents to try out some of these tips between the first and second workshop. At the beginning of the second workshop, be sure to ask parents if they did try out some of the tips and how it went.

NOTE: The videos you see below were converted from PowerPoint so that they could be viewed online. The PowerPoint files, because they include student voice video clips and narration, are huge and can't be downloaded.. At a small cost, we can send you the PowerPoints (one for PCs, one for MACs). The PowerPoint version includes presenter's notes and allows the presenter to advance slides manually. With its higher resolution, it is also more suitable for showing in a group or classroom setting.

If you would like to order a DVD with the PowerPoints, please write us at: (You can also purchase published copies of the Advice to Parents Handbook.) Please indicate if you'd like the Spanish languge verasion.

Click here to download a PDF of the Workshop Handout: ENGLISH | SPANISH.

We are grateful to MetLife Foundation for its generous support of this project.



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“There’s a radical—and wonderful—new idea here… that all children could and should be inventors of their own theories, critics of other people’s ideas, analyzers of evidence, and makers of their own personal marks on the world.”

– Deborah Meier, educator